How I started
As a young boy, I grew up around animals. Like most boys, I loved dogs. Over the years we had many different breeds. My favorite by far was the golden retriever! I was impressed with their loyalty, athletic ability, happy-go lucky personality, and stunning good looks. My brother and I each had our own AKC registered golden. We bred them producing our first litter of puppies over 30 years ago! I have been hooked on the breed ever since. Years later I worked as a veterinary technician at a local animal hospital. I again had experience with many breeds of dogs, but was always partial to the sporting breeds, especially the golden retriever! Now with a family of my own, I enjoy seeing my own children enjoy some of the same experiences I had with this wonderful breed.

Me at 3 years old.

Me and my brother Jeff riding a pony

Here I am as a teenager with my goldens!

Look at all that hair….not on the dog, me!

Here I am thirty years later, minus the hair….still hanging out with golden retrievers!

Nikki Kay with baby Simba

James (me) and Mango on the pier

The Werner gang 2011!